Tele Health

Currently independent behavioral health group is offering telehealth and phone sessions especially during the COVID-19 crisis. If you would like to schedule please call our office at 810-733-5735. Please read our disclaimer below.

1. This service is provided by technology (included but not limited to video, phone, text and email) and may involve direct face to face communication. There are benefits and limitations to this service. The exchange of information will not be direct and any paperwork exchanged will likely be provided through electronic means or through postal delivery. During your virtual care consultation, details of your medical history and personal health information may be discussed with you or your behavioral health care professionals through the use of interactive video, audio or other telecommunications technology.

2. If a need for direct, face to face services arises, it is my responsibility to contact my behavioral health practitioner’s office for a face to face appointment or my primary care provider if my behavioral health practitioner is unavailable.

3. You may decline any telehealth services at any time without jeopardizing my access to future care, services or benefits.

4. These services rely on technology, which allows for greater convenience in service delivery. There are risks in transmitting information over technology that include, but are not limited to, breaches of confidentiality, theft of personal information, and disruption of service due to technical difficulties. My practitioner and I will regularly reassess the appropriateness of continuing to deliver services to me through the use of the technologies we have agreed upon today, and modify our plan as needed.

5. In emergencies, in the event of disruption of services, or for routine or administrative reasons, it may be necessary to communicate by other means.

6. The laws and professional standards that apply to in-person behavioral services also apply to telehealth services. This document does not replace other agreements, contracts, or documentation of informed consent

**Clients are RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL CHARGES NOT PAID BY MY INSURANCE FOR ANY REASON. PHONE CALLS/TELEHEALTH WILL BE SCHEDULED AS A REGULAR APPT. Phone calls and telehealth appointments and regular appointments must be no less than 7 days apart .

Contact Us

Office Hours

After Hours: We do offer appointments after 5. Office Staff are not available. Please contact your therapist.


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


By Appointment Only

